Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Working With Great People

I have been working here at CCK9 for quite some time now and honestly I could not be happier. There are so many aspects about this job that are incredibly rewarding, and I find myself discovering a new one each day. Moving from Florida, I left my family and friends, an entire life that I was comfortable with. Much to my surprise though, a change is just what I needed. Working with this company has given me a new environment, new people, and new experiences that have taught so much about myself. All of us are working towards a common goal here at CCK9, to provide other with trained protection  dogs that will not only give them piece of mind but also a friend.

Earlier this week I experienced one of my first goodbyes that actually took a toll on me. After being here for a few months now, I have become incredibly close with a lot of the dogs. Spending every day in the kennels, caring for all of them, it’s hard not to build a bond. Sadie, one of the most amazing animals I have ever met has gone off to her new family. She was one of the first of the Dog that I started to interact with when I first started working here. Before CCK9 I had never worked directly with protection dogs, so I was unsure of what to expect from them. However, Sadie quickly calmed all of my nerves and her sweet, loving temperament made me realize right away that I had nothing to worry about. After just a few hours of spending time with her, I quickly realized how special she is.

Saying goodbye to her at the kennels earlier this week was a little hard for all of us. I hope more than anything that Sadie’s new family realizes how lucky they are to have one of then best protection dogs in this world. Not only is she a beautiful German Shepherd from a strong bloodline, but she has unbelievable protective instincts. During socializing sessions, I instantly saw the bond she forms with children, it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Sadie always lights up whenever children are around, so I am confident that the children in her new family are about to gain an irreplaceable best friend. Knowing that CCK9 can help to bring the very best out in these animals and train exceptional Dog makes every moment of my job worthwhile. To see more visit

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