Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Best Dogs For Guard Dogs

The guard dog has a long history of working with humans. In fact, guarding livestock was one of the first working roles given dogs. Since then, the work of a guard dog has expanded to include guarding property, personal belongings and even families. Given the importance of these things, one should always strive to have the best dogs from the best breeds watching over what's important to them. However, there has always been debate over which dogs are best for the job

Before airplanes and automobiles, transportation was limited. This lead to a wide variety of different breeds being developed in many different regions, all for the purpose of creating the best. Today, the world feels just a little bit smaller, and the same breeds that used to be found only in very specific regions can now be found all over the world. What many people don't realise is that the breeds themselves have continued to change over the years. In the world of canine breeding, genetics can change dramatically from generation to generation. Many breeds that were once excellent Guard Dogs have now been given the role of house-pet as they were unable to keep up with the strength, intelligence and nerves of other breeds. The best breeds for use as a guard dog today are the German Shepherd , Belgian Malinois and Dutch Shepherd, in that order.

Of course, one cannot assume that any dog of a favorable breed will be suitable for this kind of work. Every dog is different, and choosing a suitable dog happens on an individual basis. However, the basis of a good guard dog is good genetics, and the German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois and Dutch Shepherd have some of the best bloodlines, which have been fine-tuned for years to be the very best.

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