Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Illegal Immigrant Detection Dogs

Admiration should be shown for those who seek out better lives for themselves and their families in a new country. Unfortunately, not everyone is willing or able to go through the immigration process legally. Illegal immigration is a serious and often dangerous problem. The simple act of attempting to cross national borders has accounted for numerous deaths by drowning or heat exposure as people have attempted to cross through remote areas where they are less likely to encounter border security. Illegal immigrants who make it into a country are often susceptible to exploitation in the form of forced labor or prostitution. It is for reasons such as these that customs and border patrol units must be prepared to ensure the safety of both citizens and illegal immigrants by preventing unlawful entry into the country

Of the numerous tactics employed by border patrol units, one of the best and most effective is the use of specially trained illegal immigration detection dogs. These dogs must be both athletic and intelligent in order to react quickly and efficiently in a number of different scenarios. Many people guilty of human trafficking will attempt to hide illegal immigrants in unexpected places in their vehicles or amongst packaged goods. Fortunately, the keen noses of illegal immigrant detection dogs are able to precisely locate the scents of hidden human beings. For those that attempt border crossings in more remote areas, the athleticism of the dog becomes very important. Illegal immigrant detection dogs must be able to quickly traverse desert, forest and even water.

The most common breeds of dog used for this purpose are German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois and Dutch Shepherds due to their intelligence, athleticism and their success in other working roles such as that of a police dog or Protection Dogs. Illegal immigrant detection is just another way that these are incredible working breeds are being used to help keep our nations safe and secure.

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