Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Senior Dogs

As your Personal Protection Dogs gets older they begin to go through different physiological and physical changes. It is your job as a responsible protection dog owner, to make sure that they are provided with the proper nutritional needs to keep them healthy. Senior dogs will require a well balanced diet, which is lower in calories but still containing protein and fat. There are specially formulated senior dog diets that help to create a feeling of fullness. A diet that is higher in fiber, is the type of diet they will benefit from greatly. This is because older dogs are more prone to developing constipation, so they require a diet with 3% to 5% fiber. A tip to help increase fiber in their food is to add wheat bran. Along with their special nutrition needs, senior dogs can be given supplements which will help to supply them with some needed nutrition. A daily supplement like glucosamine and chondroitin, will help to support their joints. Any deficiencies that can develop can be prevented by a vitamin and mineral supplement. Extra antioxidants are also a good way to improve their diet.

Some senior Protection Dogs may suffer from lack of weight gain and disinterest in food. If you notice your German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois, or Dutch Shepherd guard dog not eating well and becoming too thin then you should take them to the vet to be examined. If no signs of any type of diseased come up then you must try to get the dog to eat. Many older dogs have a hard time chewing large hard kibble, so try giving them smaller pieces that is moistened with water. You could also try adding broth to the food, to give it more flavor and become more appetizing to them. Some dogs prefer cat food and will eat it eagerly. However, cat food is high in protein and should be avoided, if possible. Formulating a homemade recipe with milk eggs, boiled, rice, vegetables, chicken, etc could be very beneficial to you dog's nutrition. Do not try and create one yourself however, because the correct amounts of vitamins and minerals is crucial. Instead have ask your vet which type of homemade diet would be best for your dog. As your  Executive Protection Dogs grows older, their needs change and it is your responsibility to take care of them properly.

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