Wednesday, March 5, 2014

German Shepherd or Belgian Malinois? That Is The Question?

Hi, it’s Julia again!

So the process of getting ready to bring a personal protection dog into our home was something I had absolutely no knowledge about. The CCPD website helped tons though and contacting their team over the phone became a vital factor to keep us informed. We called to learn how we should start this entire journey and the kind lady on the phone told us to first start off by filling out the customization form found on the website. So that day, my husband and I sat down to fill it out.

The first part of the form called for our basic contact information, name, address, phone numbers, etc. I’m always one to worry that I mistyped something so I checked it all more than twice just to make sure. Then the next part was about the breed of dog we preferred. The first two bubbles asked you to choose between either a German Shepherd or Belgian Malinois protection dogs. This was a decision I did not know enough information about so I knew that I needed to do a little more research. I assumed that these two breeds are quite different from one another, so I wanted to make sure that we would choose the right one for our family.

I quickly discovered a lot of useful information about German Shepherds directly from the CCPD website. For years this breed has been known for its incredible intelligence, confidence, and abilities to train in a fast, efficient way. Knowing what these dogs are capable of working with the disabled, police force and even rescues intrigued me. However,  learning that German Shepherds possess a strong natural instinct to protect is what truly caught my attention. They say that they are wary of strangers, yet confident in their ability to defend themselves and others. But once they feel comfortable around you, this breed becomes warm, friendly and loving. This breed is known as CCPD’s most popular choice of personal protection dogs and I could start to see why.

Next I wanted to learn about our other option the Belgian Malinois. This breed, while it belongs to the shepherd family, is built with an entirely different body structure ~ much smaller than what German Shepherds are.  Widely known for their work in the police force, especially in Europe, the Belgian Malinois  are great to train for elite protection dogs. I know I didn’t do much more research, because something told me right away that this breed of dog was not for us. I’m sure that it depends on each dog individually and how they will fit into your lives. But there was something that instantly drew me to the idea of a German Shepherd, and my husband felt it too. And so we found ourselves one step closer in our journey.

I’ll write more later, gotta go take the kids to a friend’s house! Take care. 

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