Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Protection Dog: a Perfect Fit For A California Lifestyle

Continuing on with the beginning of our complete change in lifestyle, I will begin to explain to you the process that began. Soon after our conversation that one night, my husband and I thought about it for a few days, almost a week actually. We both wanted to make sure that there was not a single doubt in our minds and hearts. Cause let me just say, bringing the addition of a trained protection dog into your home, it's not something you should take lightly. It is a commitment that everyone in your family has to be prepared for. And so, one night our phone rang and it was a neighbor from a few doors down. She sounded quite frantic on the phone, which alarmed me and what she was about to say scared me. There had been a break in somewhere within our neighborhood. Nobody was harmed and nothing of great value was stolen before the police arrived, thankfully. This news, it only pushed me over the edge. To know that one of my greatest fears had happened right near our home, it made me believe that it could and probably would happen to us one day. Suddenly I wished that we never lived in California to begin with.

But, I realized that I could not run from my fears or let them consume me. I simply had to take control and so that night I told my husband that we were getting a protection dogs without question. Thankfully, he agreed right away. So we finally made the decision, one that would impact all of our lives in a way I could not yet imagine. We stayed up all night preparing exactly what we wanted to say when we called CCPD to start our journey for getting the new addition to the family. We were tired of playing into the false illusions of the "safe" neighborhoods of upscale California.

There were so many things to begin thinking about, on top of all the preparations for the new baby. Despite all of the stress, I knew that this is what I wanted and needed. The lives of my family are the most precious parts of my own life. If it's the least I can do, I want to always make sure that I am taking every action I can to ensure their safety. I knew there would be times when I might not be there, or able to help defend them in the way I so desperately hoped. Once we realized that crime can truly happen to anyone and anywhere, we decided to take the steps towards living a life free of fear. The first step for our family was understanding the incredible gift of home protection dogs. Soon after making the call to Command Control Protection Dogs, we quickly realized that we had absolutely made the right decision. Immediately we were welcomed by a incredibly caring and helpful team. Everything about this felt right to me and we had not even met our Sadie yet.

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