Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sadie, Our Sweet Personal Protection Dog

I greatly appreciate that at CCPD personal delivery is an option for their protection dogs for sale. To know that Sadie is coming to us with two trainers, who both know her and she already trusts, calms my fears a bit. It’s a big step bringing an animal across the country into a new environment with unfamiliar people. As scary it is for me, I’m sure she will be just as fearful and nervous. The personal delivery cost has been included in the cost of purchasing Sadie. All of which includes the two trainers who bring Sadie into our home, and introduce her to a new home and family. In addition, they may have to customize her training to our home and life style.

Most importantly, the trainers from CCPD will teach all of us how to handle and command our German Shepherd protection dogs. There are many things for us to learn in such a short period of time, and I hope that we can catch on quickly. My husband and children are not worried at all, just me the anxiety filled one of the family. I am confident in the expertise and professionalism of CCPD and their knowledge how Sadie behaves. However, there is this small part of me that is worried something might go wrong.

I do not want anything to stand in our way from welcoming Sadie into our home, but I also want to make sure she is comfortable here. This is not something that I want to force whatsoever. All of my fears would only be multiplied if we were not taking advantage of personal delivery. Sure it may cost a little extra, but I believe that it is essential for this entire process to be successful. As a trained protection dog, Sadie already trusts her trainers and hopefully with their presence during these first few days, she will learn to trust us as well. I am incredibly excited for this major change in our lives, gaining piece of mind is something I could never put a price on. Only a few more days until we welcome Sadie into our home and family!

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