Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Why A Protection Dog

So that night I told my husband just how overwhelmed and worried I was becoming with the safety of our home. At first he was a little taken back because I never truly conveyed to him just how worried I was. Trying to explain why I didn't trust the security system was hard because that was all his idea and work put into it. I tried to tell him that life in California was just becoming something I had not expected. You know how guys can be though, they only see things from one side and most of the time it's from theirs. As I was expressing to him just how scared I was, especially with the our new little one on the way, I think he could see the emotion start to spill out of me. Suddenly the conversation took a turn and he was willing to try anything that would help me feel better.

That's when I told him all of the information I was researching about home protection dogs. I brought him over to the computer and I hoped he could see just how excited I was. I immediately showed him the Command Control Protection Dogs website and started reading. I explained to him that welcoming protection dogs into our home was not going to be just like any other dog, this one would help to enhance the security of our house and children. I talked about how the breed would come from a long line of superior genetics and that CCPD only chose the very best to place into their intense one of a kind training program. It's so important to them that they chose only the top 1% of either their German Shepherd or Belgian Malinois puppies. To my surprise he was taking this information a lot better than I had thought he would. 

However, he was curious about how trained protection dogs would fit into our home, especially with our soon to be three children. I reassured him by explaining that CCPD are socialized with children from the time that they are puppies. Also, they are trained in real life settings that allows for them to not only fit into our home easily, but our California lifestyle as well. Most importantly, the words from this website explained that we would be able to trust the dog. As I continued on, I think that he could sense my excitement and I could see a glimmer in his eye start to appear. Finally he stopped me and joked about how he always thought our home felt empty without a dog's bark. I joked back with saying that I don't think this dog would bark unless we told it to. We both smiled, and I realized that a new dream of mine might become our reality soon.

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