Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sadie, Our Sweet Personal Protection Dog

I greatly appreciate that at CCPD personal delivery is an option for their protection dogs for sale. To know that Sadie is coming to us with two trainers, who both know her and she already trusts, calms my fears a bit. It’s a big step bringing an animal across the country into a new environment with unfamiliar people. As scary it is for me, I’m sure she will be just as fearful and nervous. The personal delivery cost has been included in the cost of purchasing Sadie. All of which includes the two trainers who bring Sadie into our home, and introduce her to a new home and family. In addition, they may have to customize her training to our home and life style.

Most importantly, the trainers from CCPD will teach all of us how to handle and command our German Shepherd protection dogs. There are many things for us to learn in such a short period of time, and I hope that we can catch on quickly. My husband and children are not worried at all, just me the anxiety filled one of the family. I am confident in the expertise and professionalism of CCPD and their knowledge how Sadie behaves. However, there is this small part of me that is worried something might go wrong.

I do not want anything to stand in our way from welcoming Sadie into our home, but I also want to make sure she is comfortable here. This is not something that I want to force whatsoever. All of my fears would only be multiplied if we were not taking advantage of personal delivery. Sure it may cost a little extra, but I believe that it is essential for this entire process to be successful. As a trained protection dog, Sadie already trusts her trainers and hopefully with their presence during these first few days, she will learn to trust us as well. I am incredibly excited for this major change in our lives, gaining piece of mind is something I could never put a price on. Only a few more days until we welcome Sadie into our home and family!

Personal Protection Dog Match

We have found a match! Just the other day Command Control Protection Dogs called congratulating us on our approval to purchase a trained protection dogs. They explained that there was an elite family estate protection dog waiting for us, if we wanted to accept. My husband and I were incredibly excited to see pictures and learn a little bit about the new addition to our family. We were about to welcome in another member that would not only bring great joy to our lives, but also protect the lives of our loved ones.

Her name is Sadie, a young trained German Shepherd for sale () that comes from a European Working bloodline. Much like her family before her, Sadie possesses strong nerves and a pronounced aptitude, which has allowed for her to learn exceptionally well. The discipline from CCPD has given her great balance and helped her to develop to become her very best family protection dog . From what they tell us she is built extremely well, with a large head and powerful bone structure. Her genetics set her apart from many other German Shepherds allowing for her to be an incredible protector.

Also, they told us that she has a lovely temperament, and while she is naturally protective, Sadie remains loyal and affectionate with her loved ones. I loved to hear this because I want to be reassured in any way I can that our children will be safe with her around. The team at CCPD promises me that Sadie easily builds a strong bond with children and her instincts to guard a child are actually higher than with adults. Seeing her pictures makes me that much more excited to bring Sadie into her new home, I know that she will fit perfectly into our lives, and quickly become more than just protection dogs. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Protection Dog Process

We got a call from CCPD today telling us that they had reviewed our form and would like to speak with us about the next steps in the process. The lady on the phone was wonderful, extremely nice and informative about everything we will need to know. I am the one who always has a thousand questions and she happily answered any I had. She told us that CCPD has been selling protection dogs to families in California for many years and she was confident that we would find the perfect match for our family.

She went through our form with us over the phone and just reassured what exactly we were hoping for our in a trained protection dog. After telling her more in depth about what we wanted, she made it clear that an elite family estate protection dog would likely be the best fit for our lifestyle. I also spoke to her about the soon to be arrival of our newborn baby and if that may effect our dog settling into its new environment. She understood my concerns but quickly eased any worry in my mind, explaining that their dogs are extensively trained for any situation. Being raised around children since they were puppies, CCPD’s dogs would be perfectly natural around a newborn, and most importantly she explained that we are always in control.

Following our in depth conversation she told us that they had a specific dog in mind for our family. She said that there was much more to this process, but we were definitely on our way. In the next few days she would be in contact with us again, with a lot of information on this female German Shepherd Family Protection dogs. Before speaking with her, I thought that I was about to go on a phone interview but it did not turn our like that at all. She made me feel completely at ease and assured me that CCPD was going to do their very best to find our family a new loving member, who would provide us with comforting protection.

Customizing Our Personal Protection Dog

Filling out the Customization Form was quite exciting, because we were one step closer! After choosing German Shepherd Protection dogs as our preferred breed, we also decided that we wanted to have a female. Both my husband and I felt confident that a female was the right choice, I have always heard that females are more inherently protective and that gives me comfort. In regards to color we do not really have a preference, but we chose black and tan anyway. Next, while filling out the household information we informed them of how many children we have and their ages. I really appreciated that they put this portion in because it was important for us to tell them that we have a newborn on the way.

In addition, we explained in detail our property information, everything from our type of home, square footage, and yard size. Living in an upscale California residential area we are extremely fortunate to have our homes on relatively large pieces of land. It may not be as much as what we had in our previous home upstate, but I am thankful for it nonetheless. Just recently my husband had a new fence installed previous to our knowledge of getting a protection dog in California, so that’s a plus and something we can check off of our list.

We also wrote down as much as we could about our lifestyle to give CCPD a good idea of how we hope our dog will fit in. She is going to be the first animal we welcome into our family and we are all incredibly excited. We want her to be a large part of our daily lives and always included. For instance, my husband and I are avid runners, so we would love for her to go on runs with us daily. In addition, taking her on car rides is something we plan to do as well, whether it’s into town or to the beach. During this form I tried my best to explain our idea of the perfect trained protection dog. Everything about this form was wonderfully laid our and allowed for an immense amount of detail, which I thought was great. The last question asked was our ideal time frame for delivery and we answered with one month from now. I hope that we can start this journey and welcome this new addition to our family sooner than later.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

German Shepherd or Belgian Malinois? That Is The Question?

Hi, it’s Julia again!

So the process of getting ready to bring a personal protection dog into our home was something I had absolutely no knowledge about. The CCPD website helped tons though and contacting their team over the phone became a vital factor to keep us informed. We called to learn how we should start this entire journey and the kind lady on the phone told us to first start off by filling out the customization form found on the website. So that day, my husband and I sat down to fill it out.

The first part of the form called for our basic contact information, name, address, phone numbers, etc. I’m always one to worry that I mistyped something so I checked it all more than twice just to make sure. Then the next part was about the breed of dog we preferred. The first two bubbles asked you to choose between either a German Shepherd or Belgian Malinois protection dogs. This was a decision I did not know enough information about so I knew that I needed to do a little more research. I assumed that these two breeds are quite different from one another, so I wanted to make sure that we would choose the right one for our family.

I quickly discovered a lot of useful information about German Shepherds directly from the CCPD website. For years this breed has been known for its incredible intelligence, confidence, and abilities to train in a fast, efficient way. Knowing what these dogs are capable of working with the disabled, police force and even rescues intrigued me. However,  learning that German Shepherds possess a strong natural instinct to protect is what truly caught my attention. They say that they are wary of strangers, yet confident in their ability to defend themselves and others. But once they feel comfortable around you, this breed becomes warm, friendly and loving. This breed is known as CCPD’s most popular choice of personal protection dogs and I could start to see why.

Next I wanted to learn about our other option the Belgian Malinois. This breed, while it belongs to the shepherd family, is built with an entirely different body structure ~ much smaller than what German Shepherds are.  Widely known for their work in the police force, especially in Europe, the Belgian Malinois  are great to train for elite protection dogs. I know I didn’t do much more research, because something told me right away that this breed of dog was not for us. I’m sure that it depends on each dog individually and how they will fit into your lives. But there was something that instantly drew me to the idea of a German Shepherd, and my husband felt it too. And so we found ourselves one step closer in our journey.

I’ll write more later, gotta go take the kids to a friend’s house! Take care. 

Protection Dog: a Perfect Fit For A California Lifestyle

Continuing on with the beginning of our complete change in lifestyle, I will begin to explain to you the process that began. Soon after our conversation that one night, my husband and I thought about it for a few days, almost a week actually. We both wanted to make sure that there was not a single doubt in our minds and hearts. Cause let me just say, bringing the addition of a trained protection dog into your home, it's not something you should take lightly. It is a commitment that everyone in your family has to be prepared for. And so, one night our phone rang and it was a neighbor from a few doors down. She sounded quite frantic on the phone, which alarmed me and what she was about to say scared me. There had been a break in somewhere within our neighborhood. Nobody was harmed and nothing of great value was stolen before the police arrived, thankfully. This news, it only pushed me over the edge. To know that one of my greatest fears had happened right near our home, it made me believe that it could and probably would happen to us one day. Suddenly I wished that we never lived in California to begin with.

But, I realized that I could not run from my fears or let them consume me. I simply had to take control and so that night I told my husband that we were getting a protection dogs without question. Thankfully, he agreed right away. So we finally made the decision, one that would impact all of our lives in a way I could not yet imagine. We stayed up all night preparing exactly what we wanted to say when we called CCPD to start our journey for getting the new addition to the family. We were tired of playing into the false illusions of the "safe" neighborhoods of upscale California.

There were so many things to begin thinking about, on top of all the preparations for the new baby. Despite all of the stress, I knew that this is what I wanted and needed. The lives of my family are the most precious parts of my own life. If it's the least I can do, I want to always make sure that I am taking every action I can to ensure their safety. I knew there would be times when I might not be there, or able to help defend them in the way I so desperately hoped. Once we realized that crime can truly happen to anyone and anywhere, we decided to take the steps towards living a life free of fear. The first step for our family was understanding the incredible gift of home protection dogs. Soon after making the call to Command Control Protection Dogs, we quickly realized that we had absolutely made the right decision. Immediately we were welcomed by a incredibly caring and helpful team. Everything about this felt right to me and we had not even met our Sadie yet.

Why A Protection Dog

So that night I told my husband just how overwhelmed and worried I was becoming with the safety of our home. At first he was a little taken back because I never truly conveyed to him just how worried I was. Trying to explain why I didn't trust the security system was hard because that was all his idea and work put into it. I tried to tell him that life in California was just becoming something I had not expected. You know how guys can be though, they only see things from one side and most of the time it's from theirs. As I was expressing to him just how scared I was, especially with the our new little one on the way, I think he could see the emotion start to spill out of me. Suddenly the conversation took a turn and he was willing to try anything that would help me feel better.

That's when I told him all of the information I was researching about home protection dogs. I brought him over to the computer and I hoped he could see just how excited I was. I immediately showed him the Command Control Protection Dogs website and started reading. I explained to him that welcoming protection dogs into our home was not going to be just like any other dog, this one would help to enhance the security of our house and children. I talked about how the breed would come from a long line of superior genetics and that CCPD only chose the very best to place into their intense one of a kind training program. It's so important to them that they chose only the top 1% of either their German Shepherd or Belgian Malinois puppies. To my surprise he was taking this information a lot better than I had thought he would. 

However, he was curious about how trained protection dogs would fit into our home, especially with our soon to be three children. I reassured him by explaining that CCPD are socialized with children from the time that they are puppies. Also, they are trained in real life settings that allows for them to not only fit into our home easily, but our California lifestyle as well. Most importantly, the words from this website explained that we would be able to trust the dog. As I continued on, I think that he could sense my excitement and I could see a glimmer in his eye start to appear. Finally he stopped me and joked about how he always thought our home felt empty without a dog's bark. I joked back with saying that I don't think this dog would bark unless we told it to. We both smiled, and I realized that a new dream of mine might become our reality soon.