Saturday, April 19, 2014

Are You A Responsible Dog Owner ?

If you make the decision to become a protection dog owner, then you must understand that it is not just about loving your dog. Being a responsible dog owner is a serious commitment that you must make for not only yourself, but also as a promise to your Personal Protection Dog. Along with meeting you dogs basic needs, there are also a few things that are important to know when becoming a dog owner. First, you must understand that when you get a dog you are committing to being the caretaker for the rest of their life, you're in it for the long haul. This dog has become a part of your family and if you ever go through something like a environmental change, you much take them into account when making your decision.

It is your job as a responsible dog owner to keep them safe. Have an I.D made for your dog, with their name, address and phone number. Keep it on their collar at all times, to increase the chances of them being returned to you if they get lost or run away. If your dog spends some time outside during the summer or winter, make sure that they have a sheltered area. Also a important thing to know is to keep them away from overheated places. Dogs can succumb to heat stress within minutes, so never leave them in the car when the temperature is high. And if they are outside, make sure they have a shady place to lay down and plenty of water. If you ever go away on a vacation, make arrangements for them at a pet-sitter or boarding kennel. Responsible dog owners will be make preparations for their dog, in case of a disaster. Also it is a good idea to trust a family member or friend to care for your dog in case of a illness, or sudden emergency. This person should be someone that has spent plenty of time with your Elite Protection Dog and is someone they are comfortable around.

If your dog is trained and well behaved, it will not only effect you in a positive way but also others. It is a good idea to keep you dog on a leash or in a fenced in yard when they are outdoors, do not let them wander the neighborhood. Also do not leave you dog barking outside, dogs that continuously bark can often be rude and annoying to your neighbors. If you ever take your dog for a walk, it is responsible to pick up their waste and dispose of it properly. As a dog owner it is your responsibility to socialize your guard dog with other people, and pets. Any type of accident, injury or anything of that matter involving your dog, you are the one who takes full responsibility for their behavior. Having a Executive Protection Dog is a commitment and it takes a responsible person to care for them.

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