Monday, April 14, 2014

Protection Dog Sadie, a California Girl

Sadie has been with us on her own for a couple of days of days now, and I could not be happier. John and Andrew stayed here in California for a few days to help us learn how to take care of Sadie. She is a powerful animal, not just in her strength, but with her intelligence as well. So we wanted to make sure we knew everything we could to help her thrive and remain stimulated in this new environment. They taught myself, my husband, and our children the commands and how to convey them properly. In addition, Andrew sat with us for a good portion of the day, giving us information on how to maintain a trained protection dog’s diet and exercise regimens. It is a lot to take in, but everything is falling into place quite well and I know that we can do this.

I think the most amazing part of welcoming Sadie into our family is seeing her with our children. Ever since they learned a personal protection dogs would soon become ours, the excitement did not stop. For the past few weeks that is all we heard about, countless questions from their two mouths. I knew that they would welcome Sadie with open arms, but I wasn’t completely sure how she would react. Much to my surprise, from the very moment we brought them together the entire energy in the room changed.

CCPD assured me that their German Shepherds are socialized from the time they are puppies, with children and other animals too. So I was hopeful that this introduction would go smoothly. Thankfully, when we brought our kids into the room with Sadie, you could immediately see the connection. Sadie’s eyes completely lit up as she ran over to greet them without any hesitation and our children embraced her with happy hearts. From that point on until now I have seen a beautiful relationship start to form, one that will only continue to become stronger. Sadie is already more than just a protection dogs, she is family. 

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