Sunday, April 27, 2014

Protection Dog Sadie, Exceeding Expectations

I cannot even begin to describe how unbelievable these past few days have been. Sadie has only continued to exceed expectations and bring so much love and happiness into our lives. The other night my husband and I were watching her play with the kids in the back yard and we both agreed that purchasing a personal protection dogs was one of the greatest decisions we’ve made together. Each day we are more amazed at what an amazing dog she is. Although she has only been here for a short time, it’s starting to become difficult to imagine our family without Sadie.

A morning run is a big part of my husband’s daily lifestyle, and he started to bring Sadie with him right away. Exercise is incredibly important to our family and just like Andrew and John informed us, it’s crucial for German Shepherds protection dogs. He usually wakes up around six and within ten minutes, him and Sadie are off on their jog around the neighborhood. Before their first one, he was cautious for how she would react to the noises, other dogs and all the distractions the suburbs can bring. However, much to his surprise, from the moment they left the door Sadie knew exactly what she was doing. I think we have greatly underestimated the amazing training program that Sadie has been through at Command Control Protection Dogs.

That first morning, my husband came home and was beaming with excitement from how well she behaved. He explained that Sadie stayed right next to him the entire time, keeping his pace even if he sped up or slowed down. Again I feel like we should not have been surprised, but it constantly amazes me how wonderful CCPD trained protection dogs are, especially our Sadie. Normally my husband is not that happy when he gets home from his run, but you could see it all over his face. Sadie even looked happier from getting out of the house for a bit, her tail wouldn’t stop wagging and she kept panting, which always looks like she’s smiling. It just made me so happy to see them bonding over something that has quickly become a favorite part of the day for both of them. 

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