Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Keeping Your Protection Dog Healthy

If you make the decision to own a protection dog, it is important to know that it is a important responsibility. With any kind of responsibility you must make a commitment to it. If you make this commitment, you must make sure that everyone in your family is committed as well. The protection dog that you bring into your home must be cared for and loved by each of your family members. There are five important things you can do when caring for a protection dog to ensure they stay happy and healthy.

The first thing to know is that your dog needs water. As any other living thing, your dog always need fresh water to stay healthy. Also most tap water already has harmful chemicals in. These could consist of lead and even low levels of prescription medicine. To solve this problem, it is a good thing to consider getting a water filter. A water filter will help to remove the harmful toxins, making the water much healthier for your Personal Protection Dog.

Secondly, your protection dog needs food. When you are caring for your dog it is important to choose a health dog food. Many dog foods on the market today are quite deceiving and surprisingly unhealthy. Most if them pass government standard, however they contain things that you would probably not want your dog to eat. So when you choose your dog food look for one with more meat rather than fillers. When you are looking at the package look to see that it actually lists the meat like lamb, beef, or chicken. Also look to see if it contains natural preservatives, these are much healthier for your Executive Protection Dog.

The third thing you can do is make sure that your protection dog has proper health care. It is very important that you take your dog to the vet regularly for check- ups and vaccinations. Flea control and heart worm control often require the use of strong chemicals. This alarms many people because they feel that it is not healthy for their animal. But the truth is that heart worms are known to kill dogs, so it is more important to treat them. Taking your dog to the vet is necessary to ensure their long term health.

The fourth thing you can do is help your dog exercise. Many people don't think about this as being one of the most important things to keep your dog healthy, but it is. In the United States 40 percent of dogs are considered to be overweight. Just like humans it is important to keep your dog's weight under control because it could lead to health problems. Help your dog exercise by doing things like taking them for a walk daily.

Lastly, and probably the most important thing you can do for your protection dog is show them affection. Letting your Protection Dogs know that you care for them has been known to affect their health in the most positive way. Doing simple things like playing with them, including them in family activities or even petting them can make them so much happier and healthier. It may not seem like it but showing your dog that you love them is more important than any other aspect of their life. Similar to humans, why would a healthy life matter if you don't have loved ones to share it with?

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